Video – missions – Dominican Duncans! – Decatur Baptist church – church planting – “We are at war – spiritual war” – Christ is moving powerfully in DR – come join us!
Rachel Duncan – video update – 2015! – Please continue to pray for us – love, the Dominican Duncans
Andrew Duncan- end of year 2015 – video update – Thank you for all your prayers!
Dr. D video update 2015 end of year – Dios te bendiga!
Dominican Duncans – GO4Christ – 2015 year summary – videos – articles
Fall Update 2014
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Amen and thank you! Duncan Mission Update: The Lord leads, liberates, and blows doors open in the DR! See how your investment in us in heart, treasure, and prayer is impacting – DR.
In this prayer letter – there are lots of pictures at the bottom and sides :). Also ministry video summary above and how to connect with our weekly/ daily blog below.
In Summary:
God is using Sports medicine and Orthopedic surgery
and ministry with pro baseball as a platform to
impact nation for Christ, church planting with
Timothy Initiative, and Sport ministry throughout
nation and youth sports with Athletic International
Missions. We enjoy working with AIM’s national
network of coaches, pastors, missionaries, and
youth sports teams. God is using Sarah and children
powerfully in Christian education, local Dominican
schools, and sports and activities to widen the net of
souls discipled for Christ and souls committing in faith
to our Saviour. From soap making, to teaching
English and Bible, to gymnastics and basketball and
baseball, Sarah and the children are powerful
missionaries for Christ in their own right by the grace
of God and to God’s glory. Gloria a Dios.
Click on this link to see video on how
to get daily/ weekly updates. Amen.
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How to give! Give or Go!
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tax deductible 501(c)3. Your giving and tithe or above tithe offerings enable; and prayer empowers! Join the team. Financial investing stimulates all of our prayer lives and knits us together. If you invest financially into our ministry for The Lord, you will pray with us and join us to ensure your investment is used wisely! Link below to see how you can partner. Click link to see how to enable and join the team
also please click on video link in next (L) column to hear about our Facebook daily/ weekly Pastoral posts. Facebook address below this column. Facebook address below pic, right side
Much time and prayer are
put into the Facebook blogs
as a prayerful means of
ministry, update, Scripture,
and thought provoking
ministry to pray together,
work together, and share
The Gospel together
Amen and thank you. FB:
DougandSarah Duncan.
Timothy Initiative conference, intensive prayer, preaching, testimony, and teaching – with Pastor Doug Ripley of Decatur (Al) Baptist and his team of US Pastors, alongside Timothy Initiative author Dr. Greg Kappas and right hand man, US Dominican, multitalented, Pastor Tony Lizardo teams with reknowned national pastor, Pastor Braulio Portes and the largest church network in the Dominican Republic. This kicks off the initiative to plant 12,000 house churches in the Dominican Republic.
(Come join us to serve The King of Kings as The Lord moves mightily in the Dominican Republic).
Click on this link:
Take the first step like we did, and come visit. Let The Lord work on your heart. Serve Christ in some part of the world where you get out of your comfort zone. Doing something completely outside your comfort zone right at home can also bring your daily Scripture reading to Life and The Gospel to the people. Life is short. Let’s GO 4 Christ!
God has knocked the scales off of our eyes. He is the great physician. the priceless pearl. Awesome..
**Please help us out with Spanish Bibles and tracts (tracts we can purchase locally and Bibles at times we can purchase locally). We also need you to pray for our financial enabling and your heart and treasure and prayers be with us. The children need some specialty items like basketball shoes for Andrew and clothes (ones you’ve outgrown) for Rachel. Praise God for you and your partnership with us and His work. Amen.
Hidden Treasure
44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
A Priceless Pearl
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, 46 and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Orthopedic Surgery and sports skills continues to open ministry doors and opportunities …
God has not only given us the opportunity to treat athletes as a means of getting credibility in country to spread The Gospel, The Lord has opened the doors to operate and build relationships at multiple hospitals and clinics. He has also given us dear brothers and sisters in Christ to work with, in cleaner hospitals and in more respectable level clinics, as well as the churches, poor villages, and barrios and other mission centers.
Network of motivated missionaries and ministries all for The Kingdom of The Lord:
Includes not only churches from the US, such as Colonial Baptist, Shenandoah Valley Baptist, Heritage Baptist, Decatur Baptist, and others – but the Timothy Initiative, Athletic International Missions from the US and Pastor Braulio Portes here, members of Iglesia Bautista International in Santo Domingo and two prominent churches in Santiago, alongside Pastor Christian Revis and his network of 40 churches along the North Coast, and Pastor Joaquin north of Boca Chica in San Luis. This is connected with the national chain of Christian coaches and athletes at every level from the barrio (poor village) ball club to the professional athletes.
We thank God for our churches and friends and brothers and sisters in Christ back home who are lifting us up in battle daily and in prayer and going to the throne room. Never stop praying – it is a spiritual dog fight here guys – in the field. The average stress a missionary endures on a daily basis is enough, according to one medical report, to hospitalize the average person back home.
In addition to our network of prayer warriors and faithful men and women back home, God has woven quite a neat network of missionary allies and friends and fellow real time support here in the battle on the front lines.
AIM – Athletic International Missions trip – Impacting the nation for Christ with Athletic equipment, coaches, teams, music, art, athletics, medical, and tangible love in every way – with results for His glory and honor. This privilege is ours and we are one the ones who are impacted and privileged to get to serve says (paraphrased) AIM President Fred Billings. We are honored to work locally with Pastor Jay and Candace Arredondo from Houston (deployed DR full time) and Pastors Christian Revis, Checo, Joaquin, Salazar and many others. Incredible team. Please join the next team or trip this summer! check out website below.
Incredible trips to the North Coast with the AIM group (Athletic International Missions and now Artistic International Missions as well with music and talent) in the summer. This group combines a jet load full of athletic equipment alongside a plane full of missionaries and deploys them into the Dominican Republic twice a year in the summer. They partner influential Dominican pastors with heart, Christ, vision and passion, with influential coaches for all the boys playing baseball and sports, combine medical and VBS, and any other talent you can imagine, and dozens of villages get impacted and grow and discipled for Christ or come to know The Lord – and hundreds and hundreds of children get a father figure – as the Pastors and coaches then work together in Christ. Sarah share in every part of this and provide medical clinics and support as well. Great venue. One of the greatest trips I have ever been a part of and we have, praise God, served in many venues for many years.
Please Donate to Angelitas Alegres Christian school in the Dominican Republic: Incredible!
This school is run by Brother Marcos Rosa and his wife Ana. Marcos is the administrative asst. for the Diamondbacks and a dear brother in Christ. Sarah teaches English and Biblical principles here twice a week and the kids attend as well. Marcos and his wife sacrificially give much of their time and resources to provide a school in this neighborhood of many underprivileged children, with the mission statement, that the next generation will serve and love and live for The Lord and know The Lord He is God. When you donate to us, just designate in the memo portion of your check how much of the donation you would like to go to Alegres Angelitas. Much of the neighborhood has been impacted by this couple. Many saved. People stop by the school early to hear the prayers of the Ana, admin. chief, and to hear the sermons and message the children get, armed all with their Gideon Bibles, in formation, standing in lines, Bible out, and get a rivoting message of The Lord every am before school. They then sing the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, the only flag in the world with a Bible at the center and a verse saying “the Truth shall set you free”. They end by cheering “Libertad”. Just amazing. Please donate. For only $25 / month you can support a child and will get the child’s profile and letters from them of gratitude. come and see!
Thank you. We love and appreciate you. Pray for us. Support to Shenandoah Valley Baptist Church, 501(c)3, (tax ded) address and link below at end of prayer letter.
God bless and appreciate all. Dios te Bendiga.
Col 3:23 Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord.
Prayer: We need Spanish Bibles! A Dios sea la gloria. and the kids need some simple things, like new basketball shoes for Andrew and cleats for next year. Any hand me downs for girls or guys our kids ages would be hugely appreciated if they no longer fit your children. We love this stuff and it is a huge blessing to us / we cannot even tell you. We would be so honored to have this and a huge help to us.
Shenandoah Valley Church Commissioned Missionaries
Attn: Dominican Duncans – missionaries to the DR
PO Box 1360, Stephens City, VA 22655
(Check memo line: include for Dominican Duncans 🙂
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Testimony at Timothy Initiative Conference:
Regional leaders and Pastors from throughout the Dominican Republic meet with leaders from the US in an intensive week long revival conference with the end result of agreeing with the vision, as appointed by The Lord, to engage in the work of planting 12 thousand house churches in The Dominican Republic. Experience from India with Pastor Ripley’s team and Dr. Kappa’s team and Pastor Braulio Portes’s contacts in the Dominican is truly amazing to be a part of in sharing God’s love, performing medical outreach, and hosting a team every month to plant churches. Help us to disciple believers, and see people hungry to come to Christ come, while watching revival and the fire of Christ flame back to the United States in these short term workers working alongside us. Join Us!! – contact Pastor Doug Ripley or Jim Vaughn and their growing church team at or or Timothy Initiative head, Pastor (Dr.) Greg Kappas at
Dr. Naler , veteran short term missionary and long time friend from ORH – and his family visit. Several churches impacted for Christ and discipleship from the South to the North part of the island. Sweating in these poor churches, Dr. Naler and his whole family, including their 1 year old, Brogran served! His wife Sarah was a trooper, acting as nurse, dental asst, Mom, and missionary warrior, and pregnant. Brogan did great. Our kids also jumped in and did everything from clean dental instruments, asst with procedures, count pills, and yes – deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ, verbally and nonverbally. Dr. Adam Naler and I are good friends and traveled various parts of the globe together with Operation Renewed Hope as we were seeking God’s will on full time work. Incredible reunion and God moved mightily. Many believed, were discipled, or renewed their faith to come back to Christ and His walk.
Professional Pitcher of 25 years in the Bigs teams up with Dr. Duncan to see underprivileged patients seen for Christ with top results for His glory.
Brother Miguel Batista and I enjoyed several hours together on different occasions all focused on three topics. One, what is true wisdom and whoever seeks her diligently will find her. That Wisdom is The Word of God. Two, we spent all out efforts to care for the underprivileged, specifically in this case, a young lady he has helped for 7 years get the care she needs, pictured later in letter, after being hit by a car. Third, we had a great time combining knowledge of pitching mechanics with his big league pitching experience and my sports medicine pro fellowship and studies. We plan on partnering and using this as a platform with AIM and Pastor Checo and the Arredondos and Billings to impact nation for Christ, teaching pitching mechanics and sports medicine and Christ to every village in the country.
Dr. D preaches to youth before basketball practice (and Andrew D.) with AIM Pastor Juan Salazar
1 Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Gratitude, and grace, and excellence in sports for Christ and all things for The Lord.
AIM Trip! – Athletic International Missions (click to go to website)
Please Donate to Angelitas Alegres Christian school in the Dominican Republic: Incredible!
(See article 1st column please)
Every player received a Bible and two prayed to receive Christ this day. Living, Breathing Word of God.
Bibles donated by brother Marcos Rosa, my fellow Gideon, friend, and warrior for Christ in every way. Amazing impact The Word of God has – John ch. 1 and 1 John ch. 1.
Seven more receive Christ! at sports clinic/ devotion
Marcos Rosa: Varon de Dios/ Man of God and pro baseball Adminstrator
Emergency field surgery
during a clinic in a very poor bario. Many came to Christ or started back to church for discipleship. No electricity here. Tangible love of Christ.
Reading God’s Word and delivering excellent quality medical care in the barrios/ poor villages.
Sabados and 20 yrs of experience with Medico Operativos: Amazing family with an amazing testimony of coming to the DR from California, being radically saved, and setting up medical clinics full time for Christ. We love and enjoy working with this family! Check out their website to come and serve and stay in their wonderful villa, impact the nation and be impacted. Click
Sarah gets the vitals, history, and basically often has the diagnosis for me before I even get the patient – more time for Christ and Bible.
Sarah pictured here teaching Biblical principles and English in a poor Barrio, alongside Andrew, pictured, and Rachel 3 lines over. During morning devotion and prayer in the tiny courtyard with over 200 students!
Baseball opens doors for credibility and navigation throughout country for The Lord at the lowest and highest levels alike as God dictates!
Timothy Initiative conference with local Athletes in Action and AIM pastors in the DR
Featured on Boca Chica channel 3 news, we had the opportunity to report our mission for Christ and vision cast for a better future with potential secondary school for Christ, clinic, sports center, language school, cultural center, music program, and culinary center for Boca Chica – to suppress drugs and prostitution build the community for Christ. We were well received by the mayor and other lead officials for our proposal. Our proposal, proposed the project be paid for by local family who owns half of the city, because the afterward blessings and rise and in property value that would inevitable occur as they obeyed God.
Andrew pushes the envelope. He is the fastest one on the court and one of the best using his Mom’s height and good looks and Dad’s determination all for Christ. This is a separate program where we get to pray with the kids in a nicer neighborhood. God is using us as a bridge to encourage those ‘that have’ to work with those who ‘have not’. All souls need God.
Rachel, talented gymnast, enjoys sharing The Lord with her friends and fellow gymnast.
On rounds at pro baseball academies. A player I operated on previously did not accept Christ before I operated (at that time). After the off season break, I noticed his countenance completely changed. I asked him, Did you… – he nodded humbly and quietly. I said, you accepted Christ? He nodded and gave me a hug. His operation to God’s credit and glory went outstanding and he is already back playing. Thank you Jesus.
Operativo Dentico / medico set up in a church as the center point for evangelism, love of God, and follow up for discipleship afterward. Amen.
Pastor Urraca’s church in Santigo. Fantastic time of planning and fellowship in preparation for our mission trip with Colonial Baptist in February – to include medical, sports, VBS, Evangelism Explosion training from regional leaders, Creation training, and experienced short term mission leader brother Rick Habegger and wife Louise. God bless them and the Colonial team for all their work and planning. Our pleasure to serve here, boots on the ground, forward deployed.
This senior pastor (Pastor David) now working with Timothy Initiative and Pastor Braulio Portes has already planted 26 churches in the DR. He is ready to amplify that number. Come join us. Pictured here with Dr. Greg Kappas and pastor Tony Lizardo.
Recent move; thank you Gosdens!
Prayer in OR before surgical case.
Good husband – wife team. In preparation for our medical clinic for The Gospel and needy, after I delivered the preclinic message, Sarah offers the opening prayer. Amen.
God is fulfills His promises to us all.
Like a leaky jar of clay; fill up with The Gospel, spill out, repeat. Listen to Wisdom for the Heart with Pastor Stephen Davey for Scriptural wisdom and topics. Click here.
Preparation for Colonial’s mission trip in February!
Incredible pastors and churches with Pastor Luis Oscar and Pastor Victor Urraca!
Sarah – Taking spiritual vitals and history alongside medical; triage;
Rachel does VBS with Dominicans while Mom and Dad prepare for medical clinic in a village
Pastor Braulio Portes has worked with Bill Bright with Campus Crusade in the past, been a regional leader for church planting throughout Latin America, and lives in the President’s tower. God has brought he and his country wide network of pastors to use the Timothy Initiative as a vehicle to impact the nation (DR) for Christ! Sarah and I have been invited to be the medical and evangelical US deployed arm of that movement for planting 12 thousand house churches as God’s fire is ablaze here.
Dental conference with Dr. Jhonny Gutierrez, Chief Dentist for public health of NW sector in DR, and sold out Christian and Dr. Adam Naler.
Sarah makes home-made soap out of all local materials, as a means to teach women of the night, who have committed to Christ, a new way to make a new, respectable clean living for God.
Emmanuel Lizardo, Tony’s son, after a productive meeting with seminary outreach team in West Palm
Friday night under the lights in downtown Santo Domingo. These kids are shown the movie, God’s not dead one night. This night was snacks, basketball, and a Bible study I entitled “Man up!” After a deep night of thinking, and rain allowed for an extended Sat. morning devotion before practice, 7 kids accepted Christ and received new Bibles and lunch with the Dbacks as an affirmation. Amen.
Dinner with Pastor Braulio Portes and family in his tower, only 3 floors below the nation’s President. Security was high, and the Sancocho was delicious, and Godly company and prayer and fellowship amazing. God is moving powerfully. Many, many grew up listening to Pastor Portes’s radio program. We are honored to be his partner and friend.
After we shared testimony through another friend, local Dentists and doctors were inspired to get out in their community and serve The Lord in a local church in Puerta Plata and bring people to Christ – – and back into the church for discipleship and worship and community for The Lord, in The Lord. – pictured with Andrew and Rachel.
Pastor Doug Ripley and his team of evangelical Pastors and Timothy Initiative men at the intensive week long conference to plant churches throughout the nation. Incredible kick off week. They are sending a team down every week. Join us!
Incredible program written by Dr. Greg Kappas. Long overdue book and well written materials on how to plant churches, in a practical, Gospel patterned, Scripture rich, simply – yet brilliant model (wisdom from God). Identify and train up Timothy’s in your church. A stagnant church acts much like that stagnant body of water, full of junk. Mobilize and get uncomfortable for Christ and lets’ make disciples, gather the harvest God has intended, and plant churches. – for the glory of The Lord.
Rachel has an excellent talent for animals and is our budding vetenarian. She rescued a litter of puppies after their mother died. Rachel nursed them around the clock with the rest of the family until getting them adopted and cared for – compassion and care for all God’s creation.
Pastoring and Doctoring in the field, care for needy
Duncan kids, Gloria a Dios, en Cristo
Pastors Doug Ripley, Tony Lizardo, Samuel, and Joe on church planting survey trip. Praise God.
Beautiful Rachel tames yet another bug and creature with her charm and Godly sweetness and gift.
Invited to give professional lectures to medical/ dental professionals and delivered The Gospel as well. Amen.
The Great physician
Is in the picture behind. (painting). Many battles together. amen.
Andrew prepping instruments for Dental surgery: Get your kids in the game. Change their hearts forever.
One of the villages where we performed a medical clinic for the impoverished. The evangecube comes in very handy, as well as our continually improving Spanish skills 🙂
DR: The Dominican Republic flag (bandera) is the only flag in the world that features The Bible, The Holy Word of God, as its centerpiece. The slogan Dios (God) is first of the three, alongside country and liberty. Furthermore, the Bible in the flag is opened to the verse John 8:32 “and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free”
Duncan kids show excellence in Christ in sports, ministry, and school. Featured here with sports trophies.
Timothy initiative amigos – Dr. Greg Kappas, myself, and Financial analysis Tony Lizardo
Souls for Christ!
Coconuts and tracts. Every purchase in DR leads to social interaction, testimony and a Gospel tract. He read his tract intently for some time after we spoke. Andrew loves coco frio! – and we all enjoy them now. Coconut water is reported to be so physiologic you could supposedly put it in an IV and give it to revive a patient.
Andrew and I do a site visit for soon to be future operativo medico (medical clinic for Christ) at a local barrio and shacks where many of his basketball buddies live.
These two men at a local Colmoda prayed to receive Christ shortly after our recent move to downtown. Nobody had every asked them the EE question, Do you know for sure what would happen if you died today? Would you like to accept Christ and be sure of your salvation today and walk with God? Yes – they both prayed and we see them often now. Whole new disposition in their faces. 🙂
Rachel and Daddy
Local shoe shine gent willingly accepts tract as most here do, and enjoyed praying and understanding meaning of The Gospel in its fullest. We prayed together.
Dr. Adam Naler holding Brogan, our 1 yo youngest missionary and field warrior, next to a man who desires a dental consult. Standing next to a missionary dentist and longstanding friend (Dr. Adam Naler) is a good place to be, for anyone – whether in spiritual need or physical. Amen. Thank you brother for your’s and Sarah’s and Brogran’s service.
Tough areas and much need, but much opportunity to serve in our new area a few miles from where we moved in Santo Domingo. We are near centrally located to serve in many places God has led, and close to medical central facilities as well. Better program for family and children as well. Praise God.
Helping the needy in orthodics and otherwise. This is the lovely young lady hit by a car 6 years ago, that pro pitcher Miguel Batista asked me to evaluate and help him with. Love his heart and service for God.
Sports and Jesus!
Family ministry!
Admiring God’s beauty on the way to a remote site. Thank you Lord for our 4 wheel drive. – and thank you for making such glorious creation.
Pro Yankee player accepts tract, Christ, and asks about the Bible during a bank errand outside professional academies. Always be prepared to give a defense.
Sarah distributes meds and Word of God. Rachel hard at work preparing instruments in back drop!
Develop your family and their talents, while using that as another platform to share The Gospel.
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call Bonnie at 540-868-4020 !
Shenandoah Valley Baptist Church
Attn: Dominican Duncans – missionaries to the DR
PO Box 1360, Stephens City, VA 22655
Click on websites or address to the left to check out our commissioning church – SVBC or our website – GO4Christ!
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